Efficiency that rivals the big dogs from the get-go

The dashboard is so simple to use, that you can use it with little to no training. Start managing your sales channels and brands in one place today.

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Dashboards empower us to do things efficiently

Everything you need to enter your data for or choose happens in a series of optimally ordered steps. The platform guides you to organise data the way you want it to.

Be competitive for every use case

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Products for e-commerce evolving needs

EAN Code Management
EAN codes help warehouses and retailers (your own or external eg. Amazon FBA) scan and track products through inventory and shipping. Generate your own for manufacturable and bundle products. Codes make it easier for Google to understand products for SEO and Shopping.
EAN codes can be generated and assigned to products by the system by adding a purchased EAN prefix. Suppliers will be automatically detected by adding their product EAN codes.
Multi-Language Content

Every language you add allows you to create a separate set of product names and short and long descriptions. You can also add images, video, and data sheets (or other collateral)
to products.

Localising to languages and dialects with rich content is a key strategy in boosting online sales.

Advanced Product Properties

As an example, you could create "yoghurt" as a product type.
Product properties are like tags or labels. Create them. Then set a rule
for which tags should be required or optional for yoghurt. Tags have types.

  • Tag the flavour as one value picked from a list (single select type) but include all the allergens from list (multi-select type).
  • Require input for a calories tag (whole number type) and a protein tag (decimal number type).
  • Require it to be tagged as dairy or not (yes/no type).
  • Require the manufacture time (date and time type) and the expiration (date type).
  • Use the text tags for optional info for packaging that advertises a promotion.
Adding properties is a powerful way to maintain high quality product info and enables websites and marketplaces to include products in filters that customers use to find what they’re looking for. It could also drive automated content generation and advanced analysis.
Product Inspector

Checks products for missing required data such as images, EAN codes, or required properties related to the product type. You can fix issues directly from the alerts which appear in the product screen and dashboard.

Product data can become inconsistent when importing lots of products from different databases, suppliers or websites. It also happens when optimising product properties for search or campaigns. Product Inspector lets you proactively fix missing data on affected products rather than searching for or discovering them later on.

Multi-Product Types

Create products as either:

  • Simple Products - bought, then sold from inventory or backorder.
  • Dropshipping products automatically send purchase orders with customer addresses.
  • Configurable products in variants (eg. colour, size) that customers choose (each separate in inventory).
  • Manufacturable products made from a bill of materials.
  • Bundle products made up of items from any other product type.

Fully automated dropshipping cuts delays and manual work time. Products are configurable in unlimited dimensions. Bundles aren’t treated as separate inventory items, which avoids underselling individual products and bundles. Manufacturable products can sell in line with inputs stocks or be used to sell custom products.

Product Importer
Helps you bulk import all your products from your existing system into OneSila

When you integrate a new website with OneSila, you can assign any product to it that you previously created or imported from another website.

Re-Platforming helps you easily change storefronts, add new storefronts or even move back to a storefront admin if you cancel OneSila.

Products for e-commerce evolving needs

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You can add additional suppliers for every simple or dropship-type product. Each supplier can be listed with multiple contacts and addresses. Enter the unit prices that apply at various purchase volumes for each supplier. The system compares the volume you’ll be buying and picks the cheapest supplier.

Multi-supplier allows you to take advantage of bulk pricing differences between suppliers to ensure you’re always cost efficient.

Strong insights. Focused decisions

With our full stock traceability, your goods stay related to their supplier in the sales order process and through to returns: from multiple distributors through grey imports.

You can also monitor service levels from suppliers and shippers or whether product inventory locations need changing.

Right tools. Right job.



Replacing tools that are popular and work very well is inefficient and would push up our costs. That drives the wide scope of plug-and-play integrations we’re creating.


Little things matter

Rather than let small inefficiencies add up to a real productivity drain, we replace that experience with functionality that continually improves.


No risky business

We don’t hold anyone captive through contracts or annual payments and our software is open-source to never dead-end or box others in.

Competitiveness made accessible

Start with us from the get-go with no charge on less than 10 orders per month. No plans, no tiers, no add-ons. Just one usage-based price £0.25 ($0.33) per sales order.

No customisation required

No setup, works out-of-the box

No charge per user, just per order

Efficiency that rivals large operations

A growing list of integrations and functionality

Free account setup and testing using demo data

Product importer to transfer existing operations

Free expert support